As the name of a country is negatively seen due to certain unpleasant incidents, re-imaging is obviously\nimportant and Ethiopia is affected by early derogatory histories which force the modern\nreaders and viewers conception to be shaped by stories of wars and natural disasters including\nfamine crisis that highly affect the destination brands especially the re-imaging effort. On this regard,\nEthiopia was analyzed from the context of the tourists and some concerned organization so\nas to identify the possibility of re-imaging the country by using destination branding practices. To\nmeet the goal, the study used mixed research approach and samples of 368 respondents were selected\nrandomly to fill the questionnaires and out of it, 316 of them were collected and analyzed\nusing both descriptive and inferential statistics accordingly to test the hypothesis and reach the\nconclusions. The output reflects the destination marketing facts and insights in general, and recommendations\nare provided on how to re-image Ethiopia through destination branding which can\nbe possible using branding techniques that could bring significant changes over stereotypes developed\nbecause of incidents that happen in the past.